Saturday, November 04, 2006

My Library 2.0 Poster Session at NYLA 2006

Library 2.0 (What*s That?): A Guide for the Perplexed

Conference Location in Saratoga Springs, NY, Nov. 1-4, 2006.
(Scroll all the way down for the links).

Welcome NYLA!

The *tagline* for my poster was: Library 2.0 is the virtual community center of a Web 2.0 world. This was my first poster session ever, and my first conference. I put the *tagline* (as it were) at the bottom of the poster -- shoulda been at the top... oh well, live and learn. Here are some pictures of my poster followed by links from its content (Librarian blogs, Wikis, Squidoo lenses (sort of like a pathfinder), articles, and Web 2.0 sites sorted roughly by category (some fall into multiple categories of course, or none of them, and are just stuck in).

Poster wide shot

Poster Heading

Poster closup- The Future is Now!

Poster closup - Provenance of an idea

Poster closeup - Web 2pt0 examples

As people viewed my poster, some looked at it for a minute or so, and then said
OK, so what is Library 2.0?
Then I'd say social computing or participatory networking, and when that got more blank stares, Id say that
its about using technology to connect with patrons, creating a dynamic virtual presence for your library on the internet, using these new tools to communicate and create a community space there on the web. -- It's not Us vs Google, in other words, but us, just as much as Google, on the internet to claim our own space and create our own value there with these tools.

Then they'd start nodding, and say, Ok, that makes sense.

To me, Library 2.0 is about new means (technology -- Web 2.0) for old ends. Libraries and marketing and newsletters and community space are all *old* ideas, but the 2.0 technology gives us a perfect means to these ends. The popularity of MySpace is an indication of what is to come. (Those kids will be our adult patrons before too long!) Library 2.0 is about helping to shape what comes!

For recommended intros to the idea, I'd recommend the Best Practices Wiki and the Squidoo Lenses as the best anchor from which to begin exploring these ideas.
(An annotated guide to the Web 2.0 sites listed at the bottom would have been great, but I this is all I had time for. I should be writing a paper for my Archives class right now!...)

Library 2.0
Blogs by librarians

Librarian in Black
The Shifted Librarian
Tame the Web
See Also
Library Crunch
Information Wants To Be Free
Library 2.0: an Academic’s Perspective
Free Range Librarian
Library Stuff

Wikis to watch
Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki
Blogging Libraries Wiki
Booklover*s Wiki at Princeton Public Library
Toolkit for the Expert Web Searcher (LITA)

Squidoo Lenses
Library 2.0 Reading List
Library 2.0 in Three Easy Steps
Intro to Web 2.0

Tim O’Reilly: “What is Web 2.0”
Walt Crawford: Cites and Insights, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2006, “Library 2.0 and ‘Library 2.0’”

Library 2.0 OPACs
(The Future is now! The "Web 2 -OPAC")
NCSU Libraries OPAC
Lamson Library (Plymouth State Univ, NH)'s "WPopac" with a Word Press (blogging software) interface!

Web 2.0 sites
(The categories are of a general, approximate *catch-all* variety)

Aggregators, *Trend Followers,* etc.


Blogger Roger Owen Green said...

Oh, so THAT'S what Web 2.0, Library 2.0 is. But is it real, or are they just buzzwords?

4:09 AM  
Blogger Edwin Oliver said...

I'd say that insofar as it describes a new direction for the web, it's real. But whether or not the 2.0 thing can be called a _social_ movement is another matter. That probably overstates the matter, crossing the line into hype and buzzwords -- or at best, it's too soon for such pronouncements. "Web 2.0" was intended to be a convenient term for the newer, more sophisticated interactivity of the current state of the web. I think that's a real thing that it's useful to have a term for. "Web 2.0" is a bit clunky though... Some folks in Syracuse have suggested "participatory networking" as another option to "2.0" in the context of libraries in particular.

1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting information there. Insofar is the future of the web.

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger owen talks about web 2.0 being hype? The internet and every new technology has always been about at first. Look at computers when they first appeared. They were to say the least crappy. But look at them today. Look at the early days of the internet and what people were saying about the internet then. But then after much hype their comes break throughs that are as a result of lots of people working on something to make it better.

1:11 AM  

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