Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Digital Portfolio is up

Well, the semester is nearly over, and I've completed our final web page assignment for the class -- as Digital Portfolio landing page linking to all our work for the class.

I would like to continue blogging after this, but I've become dissatisfied with the title of my blog. If anyone is reading this, you may have noticed I changed the name from Image Remora to just Remora. Now I hate that too. I liked the name one of my fellow students used, *Useless Clutter*. Descriptive, concise, and catchy....

I thought of Perpetual Beta. This is one definition of Web 2.0, meaning *always in a development phase.* I'm taking suggestions. Don't suggest 'Roppin' with Ben' since someone already suggested it. But I guess you can vote for it.

Here's a final image from the semester. Happy Holidays!